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So we live in a new reality and we all already understood that this virus will stay around for a while. Today post will be based on some tips tested have to say by myself during the last months, in how to work from home.

This looks simple but we all now by now that work from home, organize your space and be productive, without having your partner coming in the room half dressed in a middle of a Zoom meeting can be tricky.

1. Choose the space where to work from

Now this doesn't necessarily mean that you need an entire room transformed to an office. If you have the space great, if not the ideal space can be the dinning room table or a small corner desk in the living room.

Make sure that you are in a comfortable seated position, and avoid the bed or a easy place in front of the TV, you don't need distractions, instead look for a place where you can concentrate.

2. Make it look like a working space

No matter where you work if you have a pile of dirty mugs on the top of the table, and struggle to find your mouse under a pile of papers, for sure you will not be productive. So leave the "desk" tidy, clean and use items around you that resemble your office. Why not to have a plant and a lamp around you? This will make you straight away feel more connected.

3. Make sure you can multitask

Let's keep it real, the idea of a quiet place far away from everyone where you can create in peace and be always concentrated is just a myth and it doesn't work at all.

We all have to multitask when we are at home, your weekly deliveries will still arrive, and how good is to now that you are at home, be able to put them on place and keep them fresh, and about the laundry that on this days wash and can be straight away drying.

The idea is that you find a place that allows you to switch in and off quickly, so you can multitasking between daily tasks and your work.

4. Avoid dark areas

London is dark enough, so please try to find a work area that are not moody and dark. Forget working under the stairs because is the only free corner in the house. Also spare rooms can be amazing offices but you need direct light so avoid this areas because you will end up never using them.

You need the perception of the time changing, so I would strongly recommend to work near from a window. The direct light is the best one for your eyes specially if you are hours in front of a screen. And there is nothing better then make a afternoon pause looking throw the window and watching the life passing by.

5. Get dressed for work!

Just because you not going out it doesn't mean that you don't need to get dressed and ready.

I promise that you can still be barefoot at home, but please make sure you have a shower, put something on that are not legging and do your hair and makeup, after all you might still have some zoom meetings, plus your brain needs to be switch to work mode and this rituals definitely help.

And you have a lot of time you not using in commute, so establish a routine.

6. Organize you day. Make a list!

I make a list for everything, risk to say that I might be slightly obsessed with the list thing, but I already sort a lot of my life problems with them. So trust me, they work!

You need a structure, because if not those 10 minutes passed scrawling on Instagram will quickly be transformed in 1 hour.

Establish real goal for the day, and crossed them as you go along. This will give you a sense of accomplishment, and will allow you to have structured pauses during the working time.

Enjoy your home and appreciate this quiet times, the world is changing so make sure that your house lifts to the challenge, and take care of your Home.

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